Twin Life

Material Renewed steel Cable Size H320*W180*D150 (cm) Weight 3500(kg) Edition 6 Base H10 W200 D200 (cm) The definition of someone’s “twin sibling” is the other human who looks alike to self (identical twins), or, the other person who looks differently but deeply connected to self at heart (fraternal twins). Since the moment of birth, or…


藝術家康木祥作品「臺灣如意」永久典藏 德國卡爾斯魯爾市

時間: 2015.08.21

地點:德國 卡爾斯魯爾ZKM媒體中心廣場

2015年適逢德國卡爾斯魯爾市建城300週年,中華民國政府致贈康木祥大師雕塑之「臺灣如意」鋼雕作品慶賀,由駐德國代表處陳大使華玉代表我政府於8月21日中午致贈,卡市總市長Dr. Frank Mentrup、市府官員、市議員、藝術家康大師、德國國會議員Axel E. Fischer、宋僑務委員枕戈及旅居南德僑領等均與會共襄盛舉,共同見證臺德邦誼鞏固的歷史時刻。


Exhibition Introduction

Time: 2017.08.24~2017.10.31 Location: Montreux, Switzerland Montreux is a famous Sightseeing spot in Switzerland, It’s a beautiful town of Lake Geneva, Has very beautiful lake landscape. Every summer, Montreux attracts about 2 million visitors and is a very famous resort in Europe. This summer, artist Kang Muxiang was invited to participate in the fifth Swiss Montreux…
